about the author

Sarah lives in Hertfordshire with her husband and two grown-up children. She has had a varied career, including a short stint in the police force; a residential social worker, and for twenty years as a teaching assistant in a special needs school. She also volunteered for her local hospice. She enjoys all things creative, and can often be found in her shed with various ideas buzzing around her head.

About the Books



Coming Soon .....


Coming Soon .....


Coming Soon .....



Totally thrilled and bowled over that a friend is ordering copies for ALL of her year 6 leavers! I hope the message of the story stays with them…


I’m really hoping to get my book out to primary schools. I hope schools (and parents/carers) will see this us a worthy message, which can easily be adapted for a practical exercise. 🤞


So grateful to my family and friends for their love and support in purchasing a copy of my first book for young children. Hope it was worth the wait…❤


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